Friday 17 August 2012

Before Raya

Hellowwzzz evelibodi, esok da rayazz dahh, aku excited tahap kritikal ni, oh cop2, straight to the topic. Last Tuesday, sekolah aku buat event, well, bulan puasa kan, cuba teka majlis ape? haish, dah la, don't waste the time. Majlis Khatam Al-Quran.Korang mestizz la tahu kan tu majlis(for the muslims la). Time majlis tu aq bawa telifon, and ambil gambar, fulamak bro syok glewzz kot, haha, dah2.

Nah2 tngk la gamba ni,  

Adila Mohd Subri(yg pakai tudung hitam tuzzz)
ni kawan kite awk, cakap hai kay dy :D

dari depan Bayani, Adila n Nasuha

Yasmin, Umi n Afzan

peace yo nasuha

kite dengan ustazah, eh2 bukan2, adik and kakak xD

The last one, Raisya n ruby, yg pegang sendup tu raisya 
ibu misali bro xD

dah ye, samapi sini je, i need to stop, nak kemas ruma =,= esokkan raya...nak iron baju lagi, haiyooo banyak nyeee, hey bro, put your hand up if nak tolong kite .hixhixhix

Friday 10 August 2012

Stick People

hey guys, i feel so so so

awesome right?kalau kite boleh buat ='=

lol, laki ni nekad giler xD

this happened to Adam in Naziha's drama(kat tv3), excited nak tngk malam ni

Hey you, if aku pegi olimpik, hihi, this will happen to me *lol*
BTW, give a big applause to Pandalela Rinong, she won a bronze medal in the woman's 10m Platform at the London Aquatic Centre.I'm so proud man :D

Okay guys, i need to stop using laptop, i mean surfing internet. My mum suruh aku buat assignment dy >,<, i don't like this, but i like it *aku boleh buka blog*ambil kesempatan :D ....BTW, nak tak stik people tu, bukak benda ni------->Animination :D, enjoy it, it kinda funny*bwahahaha...

Sunday 5 August 2012

You Are The Best!!!

Hey guys, huh, i watched the match between Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan. At first, Chong Wei was awesome giler, aku menjerit sana sini, 00-yeahhh, yeahhh, hoooray bak kata my mum 'boleh bawa pegi stadium ni >,<'.....And then bila second match tu, aku still bersemangat giler, 'go Chong Wei go!!!
but, Chong Wei kalah kan second match tu, tapi aku tetap aku and still yakin he can win.Bila dah jadi camni, aku tadah tangan pray(alim la plk hihi)...but finally, Lin Dan won, and i really really frust :(

BTW, i'm really proud of Lee Chong Wei, he tried his best to get the gold medal for us, for our country "MALAYSIA' i love you Lee Chong Wei, you are our hero, Malaysia's hero :D
Hey, you can visit my friend here, she really admire Chong Wei...


Thursday 2 August 2012

My Little Heart

Hey guys, last two week my adik perumpuan got chicken pox from me, she's 5 years old only...  hihihi...well it virus and bacteria spread all over the house. But, i really tekejut, she doesn't cry, and still boleh lompat2 lagi. My adik is so Awesome, be jelly people :3 .hihihi, and then adik aq yg twin plk got chicken pox, haha, cam family chicken pox la plk, hahaha, all of them dah sembuh dah, and the most important "we always gaduh" . And sometimes bagus jgk diorang sakit, *OMG jahatnye aq >,<* .wait wait, i mean the house will be senyap giler cause all of them tak berdaya nak jerit ni...don't you get it? I'm a good sister la :3

here are some picture that i took, enjoy it :D

 look at the grains, she can still smile :)

Gaya ape entah, i just catch the action

P/s------>sorry, i don't upload  the picture at all,  just only my youngest sister, sorru yaw >,<