Friday 17 August 2012

Before Raya

Hellowwzzz evelibodi, esok da rayazz dahh, aku excited tahap kritikal ni, oh cop2, straight to the topic. Last Tuesday, sekolah aku buat event, well, bulan puasa kan, cuba teka majlis ape? haish, dah la, don't waste the time. Majlis Khatam Al-Quran.Korang mestizz la tahu kan tu majlis(for the muslims la). Time majlis tu aq bawa telifon, and ambil gambar, fulamak bro syok glewzz kot, haha, dah2.

Nah2 tngk la gamba ni,  

Adila Mohd Subri(yg pakai tudung hitam tuzzz)
ni kawan kite awk, cakap hai kay dy :D

dari depan Bayani, Adila n Nasuha

Yasmin, Umi n Afzan

peace yo nasuha

kite dengan ustazah, eh2 bukan2, adik and kakak xD

The last one, Raisya n ruby, yg pegang sendup tu raisya 
ibu misali bro xD

dah ye, samapi sini je, i need to stop, nak kemas ruma =,= esokkan raya...nak iron baju lagi, haiyooo banyak nyeee, hey bro, put your hand up if nak tolong kite .hixhixhix

Friday 10 August 2012

Stick People

hey guys, i feel so so so

awesome right?kalau kite boleh buat ='=

lol, laki ni nekad giler xD

this happened to Adam in Naziha's drama(kat tv3), excited nak tngk malam ni

Hey you, if aku pegi olimpik, hihi, this will happen to me *lol*
BTW, give a big applause to Pandalela Rinong, she won a bronze medal in the woman's 10m Platform at the London Aquatic Centre.I'm so proud man :D

Okay guys, i need to stop using laptop, i mean surfing internet. My mum suruh aku buat assignment dy >,<, i don't like this, but i like it *aku boleh buka blog*ambil kesempatan :D ....BTW, nak tak stik people tu, bukak benda ni------->Animination :D, enjoy it, it kinda funny*bwahahaha...

Sunday 5 August 2012

You Are The Best!!!

Hey guys, huh, i watched the match between Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan. At first, Chong Wei was awesome giler, aku menjerit sana sini, 00-yeahhh, yeahhh, hoooray bak kata my mum 'boleh bawa pegi stadium ni >,<'.....And then bila second match tu, aku still bersemangat giler, 'go Chong Wei go!!!
but, Chong Wei kalah kan second match tu, tapi aku tetap aku and still yakin he can win.Bila dah jadi camni, aku tadah tangan pray(alim la plk hihi)...but finally, Lin Dan won, and i really really frust :(

BTW, i'm really proud of Lee Chong Wei, he tried his best to get the gold medal for us, for our country "MALAYSIA' i love you Lee Chong Wei, you are our hero, Malaysia's hero :D
Hey, you can visit my friend here, she really admire Chong Wei...


Thursday 2 August 2012

My Little Heart

Hey guys, last two week my adik perumpuan got chicken pox from me, she's 5 years old only...  hihihi...well it virus and bacteria spread all over the house. But, i really tekejut, she doesn't cry, and still boleh lompat2 lagi. My adik is so Awesome, be jelly people :3 .hihihi, and then adik aq yg twin plk got chicken pox, haha, cam family chicken pox la plk, hahaha, all of them dah sembuh dah, and the most important "we always gaduh" . And sometimes bagus jgk diorang sakit, *OMG jahatnye aq >,<* .wait wait, i mean the house will be senyap giler cause all of them tak berdaya nak jerit ni...don't you get it? I'm a good sister la :3

here are some picture that i took, enjoy it :D

 look at the grains, she can still smile :)

Gaya ape entah, i just catch the action

P/s------>sorry, i don't upload  the picture at all,  just only my youngest sister, sorru yaw >,<

Monday 30 July 2012

Fasting :D

Hey, today is the tenth day of Ramadhan. It kinda tired cause i need to study in school, doing homeworks and so on.But, this year is more better than last year. Btw, next week skolah aku ade buat ceremony, it Awesome bro, i really excited. Tau tak ceremony ape? Majlis Khatam Al-Quran. I hope this event will run smoothly :D...InsyaAllah, amin amin amin.

Hey guys, do you know about air pressure? Aku baru je study chapter nie, this chapter is very challenging. Its concepts are different in different situation and make me in confuse. I need to struggle more to control this awesome chapter. I can't get fresh air in the class, wait, this is not about air pollution, elektrik terputus(power failure), so no more angin from the ceiling fan, no more air pressure.Saba jela >,<  


1D1D1D1D, I still love and admire them, maybe for a long time, forever pun boleh. Everyday kut nyanyi, eventhough my voice tak merdu langsung ='= . I want to stay up all night and find a girl tell her shes the one, i like this song so so so muchhhhhh. Wait wait, another two hours  nak buka puasa, so wanna stop here.



Saturday 28 July 2012

Thursday 19 July 2012

Ramadhan is Coming :D

Assalamualikum guys :D

Hey, i'm really excited for this Ramadhan :).

May this Ramadhan be as bright as usual, 
May this Ramadhan bring joy, health and wealth to you,

May this Ramadhan bring us the most,
happiness and brightness in life,

May this Ramadhan bring us closer to Allah S.W.T,
and The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W,

May this Ramadhan shows us the way, 
And lead us together to achieve,
Peace and harmony in life,

I hope this ramadhan will be like this, InsyaAllah :D    

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Tell Me Why?

Assalamualaikum guys :D

Hey, can you tell me why?Why, why , why?All the people want to have a normal and happy life.Everyone don't like war, it really scary, full of guns and the blood splits everywhere.Hey terrorist, can you switch on your mind?Do your own business, don't judge the other people and care about your own attitude!Don't you get it?Alright, stop it Siti, let's talk about this singer :)

Don't you know him?He's an English singer.I really like his song entitled 'Tell Me Why'.I decided to make this post after listening to this song :p .This song explain what happen in Palestine and Syria.I hope all the suffering victim can achieve success and peaceful on their life one day.Just pray for them (:
BTW. i want to tell something about this special girl ~,~ 

Hye Wee Soo May, i think it kinda late to say this, but i need to do this.
May, happy bornday, happy sweet fourteen friend :). May God bless you and give strengths to face your life.May all your dreams come true :D.BTW, Louis want me to say this
'Hye May, happy birthday, keep calm and stay Directioner
#iloveyou# xoxoLouis
hahaha, i'm just kidding, but don't you get it bro?hahaha
p/s------->sorry for the late present.I'll give it later.Sorry May >,<

Sunday 15 July 2012

Making for a new header 0.0

Assalamualikum :D

Hey guys, i'm being lazy to do homeworks, so i decided to make a new header using PHOTOSCAPE and GIMP.Actually, malas je, but i really don't like my header and i wanna change my blog's title.Well, it's my first time did it.I'm not going to school today cause i'm still sick.You know  right?Chicken pox :( , i really hate this disease. 

BTW, tomorrow i wanna go to school.I want to play volleyball as well, oh wait, i'm still have chicken pox, but i don't mind.The doctor said that i can go to school because this chicken pox can't spread anymore, but I've to eat medicine to control the grain. 

I'll stop writing post now, i want to finish my new header :D .I wish it'll be nice, i hope!  

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Chicken Pox :(

Assalamualiakum (:
Hey guys, i'm not going to school this week because of this terrible disease.You know what, i'm really sad.A lot of tear comes out from my eyes.I'm crying like a baby, hehehe, well i don't want this 'chicken pox', but i need to calm down and accept this, we call it as REDHA .At first, i just think 'oh, this is just a normal grain, so i ignore it.On the next day, i saw a few of grains on my body,i told this to my mum and she thought that i got chicken pox.Last two weeks, my brother already got this disease and now it spreads on me.

The most important is i can't eat Cikgu Azizah's cake.I'm really want it :(
My mum told she can buy another cake for me, I'm just say 'oh, okay'. Actually, i don't want cake, i'm want to eat cake with all my classmates, that what i really want :DD.

I hope i'll be okay as well on this Sunday and the next day.I really miss school and my crazy friends.My life is nothing without them.I need to do a lot of work to claim my lessons in school.
Please pray for me :))


Thursday 5 July 2012

One Direction

Hey guys, I think you already know about One Direction right? This awesome band comes from British. I’m getting CRAZY after watching the one thing's official videos on youtube.All of them are so cute and charming. I need to admit that I’m DIRECTIONER.Alright, let me introduce all of them one by one until you meet my boyfriend. Hahaha, ignore it, I’m just kidding (:

From the left, Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn

He's Harry Edward Style
Eighteen years old
From England

Louis William Tomlison
Twenty One years old
From England too

Niall James Horan
Nineteen years old
From Ireland

Zain Javadd Mohamed Malik
Just call him 'Zayn Malik'
Nineteen years old
From England
and He's MUSLIMS

Liam James Payne
Nineteen years old
From England

Do you think Harry is cute?For me,he's the most CUTEST boy in this group.hewhewhew (: Louis kinda HANDSOME right?Zayn too.Liam is COOL right?he can make girls's soul melt like an ice.Niall kinda cute with his BLUE EYES.Blue?maybe! i don't know at all.Okay, that all information that i can give to you.Don't forget to catch all of them on youtube.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Waiting for the Sports Day

esok skolah aq ade event....
uww~~~ sports day :D
seriously, excited giler nie, well first time tngk sports day kat skolah baru
anyway, aq harap house aq yg menag PERKASA...
i wish all the best to all PERKASA's members...
kite buat sama2, kite terime sama2....
yg penting kite berusaha......
Come on PERKASA,

True story :D

kalau perempuan fail, dua tiga hari xhbs lgi nangis...
bende ni pernah je jadi kat aq...hix3
aq balik rumah nangis kottt...berderai air mata jatuh ke pipi...
ni semua sbb markah aq cg buat TH(tidak hadir)
tapi semua yg berlaku ada hikmah (:
cg dah betulkan markah aq n everything okay :D

Friday 22 June 2012

to earn money without working
to be smart without studying
to love without being hurt
to eat without getting fat

Time kecik2

real story :)
dulu time kechik2, be4 tidur mesti korang buat camni kan?
nampak firework, bumbumbom tebaboww!!!
best giler la, kadang2 kite ingat kite ade power huk3..
now, bilew dah besar earphone je yg ade kat telinga time nak tidur >,<
n dont forget to read 'doa'
doa ialah senjata umat Islam (:
good nyte everybody.....
make sure dah solat isyak b4 tidur....

Friday 8 June 2012

Dinie Zil Iqram vs Siti Mastanana

aq yg gaye hebattttzzzz tuuuu

Bo$$ In The Class

Every class ade HICOM kan?..kelas aq absolutely la ade, semua ade responsible je xdee..teeheeee, aq suke bwhahahaha........okay, let me intruduce my class's HICOM....

nie Lukman KT(ketua tingkatan) class aq..
dy KT yg berkalibe, 
tpi satu je, skip school je keje...hehehe...
teruskan usaha kau ye bro, nanti 2NILAM  dpt cleanest class xD

Arisal Mohd Kari (:
PKT(penolong) yg berkalibe jgk....
sometimes, semua keje dy kene buat...hahaha
chillax bro, nanti Allah s.w.t bls jasa kau yg xterhingga c:

yg lain aq xjmpe cari gambar xD
sape suruh xletak gambar kat fb...

Kawan Tetap Kawan xD

Aku xtau kenape hari nie bngn awal...tetibe mood nak update blog datang menjelma kat nak cerite sikit je...dulu aq kat ssp bnyk giler kawan yg giler + awesome...dulu aq house SAPPHIRE, but now an PERKASA...kawan2 aq semua best glerrrzzzz, i really miss them so muchhh....

This is Zati Hanani ;)
dy ni kakimate aq time kat Jac3 Bay 1..
everynight kitorang akan stay up buat kerja xberfaedah..
she always buat lawak xtentu harap..
hotstuff wannabe?cheerleader wannabe?
aq rindu kau sangat2 kawan :/

yg ni plk Adriana Zulkarnain
kitorang selalu buat after2 time nak mandi..kecoh giler la kat toilet
dy ajar aq maths, aq ajar dy sejarah ;D
sesuai sangatkan...
aq rindu kat kau la wey!!!nasib baik ade SKYPE kan?
thank u cause kau jadi guru maths aq..

Adinina Anisha
ni budak yg same tinggi dengan aq tpi dy keding xD
dy ade kakak kat ssp..untungkan, xperlu homesick2 ni
ni dy pandai tau, 
aq rindu kau jgk nina :0

Farhah Nadhirah (:
hockey player gler sukan budak ni
...partner time nak buat hw JEPUN
baymate aq kat Jac3...
aq rindu kau, asal xon9 eh, sepak kan, jkjk
thank u 4 every single things kau buat untuk aq :)

nie Dyana Nazri....
die suke belanja yg aq suke niiii,
well, dy kan kaya..untungl~~~~
she's an awesome girls right?
stay awesome kawan :)

yang ni plk Syahadah@syada
die baik glerrr, kite selalu pegi tea same2 kan
suare kau je yg aq dengar time ambl wuduk
'ct nak after'
i miss u baby :)

Syaza Norazharuddin (:
kawan stay up aq, kite buat club gossip kat katil kau..haha
thank u tolong belikan food n so on..
aq mengaku kau hotstuff, kbai :)

Nur Tasnim xD
kawan stay up n bergossip xD..
thanks cause kasi aq tumpang rmh kau kejap..
muke adk kau same cam kau xD
I MISS U kawan (:

Fatin Baharin :)
1 Pintar's members...woi, budak rindu kau ah...
bilew nak skype ah?....
best giler kan time hari koko last year..
kite msk rmh hantu teeheee (:

Nur Amira Azizul Hisham..anak Hisham
ni baymate aq kat Jac3...
weh, congrate aw masuk 2P...bangge bapak kau xD
kau perlu tahu 1bende...
'aq rindu kau budak '

kawan tetap kawan xD...wlaupun aq kat kelantan n korang kat ssp, aq still ingt korang...good luck in ssp...ingt kite batch last PMR, buat elok2...make our parents proud....

She's my wrestling partner xD

special for u baby :)